You said Insect Goo. Wait...What???

Mar 30, 2024

Confectioner's Sugar - What is It? Wait...WHAT?

Blame it on Hu Kitchen.

Yes, I'm the geek who gets excited about reading labels! It all started when I picked up a bag of dark chocolate gems from Hu Kitchen.

Have you ever wondered what makes candies glossy? You know, that shiny appearance they have?  I had NEVER questioned the shine. Well, that shine often comes from a coating known as confectioner's glaze.

This is what the back of the Hu Chocolate bag said:

"Confectioner’s Glaze or ('Shellac') gives chocolate-covered snacks their appetizing sheen. This glaze is on almost every chocolate-covered goodie, but most people don’t realize it’s usually a chemically-treated insect goo (Google it - kinda gross). Hu avoids weird ingredients like 'Confectioner’s Glaze' and embraces unadulterated chocolate."

Yay. Thank you Hu Chocolate for informing me. And that's a BIG NO THANK YOU for me. There are some things you just can't unknow. Like the day I found out what chemicals were in the stuff I was slathering on my skin, or the day I found out what Carmine was in my yogurt. More on that stuff later. But on the Glossy Shellac/Confectioner's Glaze note, let’s talk some more.

Shellac is a resin derived from lac insects commonly used in confectioner’s glaze. Yes, you heard me correctly. Let this serve as your PSA-Public Service Announcement- avoid it when you can. Will it kill you? I don't think so but G-ROSS!!! on so many levels...GROSS. 

So now that we know that- what's next?

READ your labels and look for these alternative options instead of Confectioner's Glaze. 

  1. Vegetable-Based Glazes: Some companies opt for vegetable-based glazes, utilizing sources like plant-based waxes or oils to achieve that desired shine without relying on shellac.
  2. Carnauba Wax: Derived from the leaves of the Brazilian palm tree, carnauba wax is a natural alternative commonly used in the food industry as a glazing agent for candies.
  3. Beeswax: For those not strictly following a vegan diet, beeswax, a natural wax produced by honeybees, can serve as an alternative glazing agent.
  4. Plant-Based Coatings: Innovative companies are exploring and developing plant-based coatings that offer the same glossiness without the need for animal-derived ingredients.
  5. Gum Arabic: Derived from the sap of the acacia tree, gum arabic is a natural, plant-based alternative that can be used as an effective glazing agent.

Wanna know one of my ALL time favorite mottos? "You can’t do better until you know better." As we, the consumers, become more conscious of our dietary choices, we can demand better. And here’s my second ALL time favorite motto: "Shop with your dollars." The demand for alternative ingredients becomes greater when we STOP purchasing products that contain shellac/confectioner’s glaze.

I believe that whether it's through vegetable-based options, natural waxes, or clever plant-based coatings, the world of glossy treats doesn't have to be all icky. Those options sure sound better than insect goo.

So join me friends, and READ YOUR LABELS. We all need to shop more responsibly, look for alternative options, and continue to shop with our dollars.

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