Whats on the Blog

Stories, Encouragement, and Education

Red Light- Passing Trend or Here to Stay? Apr 30, 2024

Red Light Therapy. Is it a passing trend or is it truly something we all need to add to our tool box?

Red Light Therapy uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and has been used to treat a variety of medical and cosmetic conditions. It is painless and noninvasive. It seems to be all the rage right now....

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National Vitamin C Day Apr 04, 2024

Today is National Vitamin C Day!

Hail, Vitamin C. You are a powerhouse of a nutrient!  We need you desperately. You help us form and maintain our connective tissues- think skin, bones, teeth. You are a powerful antioxidant and help protect our cells from free radical damage. 

Based on...

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You said Insect Goo. Wait...What??? Mar 30, 2024

Confectioner's Sugar - What is It? Wait...WHAT?

Blame it on Hu Kitchen.

Yes, I'm the geek who gets excited about reading labels! It all started when I picked up a bag of dark chocolate gems from Hu Kitchen.

Have you ever wondered what makes candies glossy? You know, that shiny appearance they...

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Why Do We Need to Worry about Mica? Jan 10, 2024

Disrupting the Beauty Industry

Hey there, friends! After seven amazing years with Beautycounter, I've made a commitment to voice loud and clear why we should all be paying close attention to the beauty industry right now.

Today, let's dive into one of the unsung heroes behind that dazzling...

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Safer Sunscreen Oct 09, 2023


  • More people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the U.S. than all other cancers combined.

  • An estimated 90 percent of skin aging is caused by the sun.

  • People who use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher daily show 24 percent less skin aging than those who do...
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Chlorophyll Hack Mar 13, 2023

Chlorophyll- it is the green matter in plants. NOT to be confused with toxic chloroform. Chlorophyll is life giving. Through a chemical process called photosynthesis, chlorophyll has the ability to harness the sun's energy to perform various life-promoting functions. It utilizes minerals from the...

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Grief Triggers Dec 22, 2022

Ever have something trigger a memory and blind side you? Yeah, me too.

I was driving today listening to the Country Christmas Station when I flashed back from being a broken hearted 13 year old girl. You see my bff from middle school had just recently moved to Florida and she had come back for a...

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Heart Change with Giving Sep 30, 2022

I am learning that GIVING is just so good for the heart...

I started this thing a few years ago with flowers. It started when one of my BFF’s passed away suddenly from a Pulmonary Embolism. Anne used to bring me flowers, like a lot. She would even just leave them in random recycled...

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Can't Believe It STILL Aug 07, 2022

Thursday of last week I was on my way to pick up something from a friend and I had to go through the Portsmouth/Downtown tunnel. As I approached the tunnel, I was listening to worship music…a wave of memories flooded my mind, and I could barely see because I started crying so hard. The...

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Natural Bug Repellants Jul 25, 2022

The mosquitos seem brutal this season- maybe they are as irritated as the rest of the world seems to be and taking it out on those of us who have great blood or something. 

Many of you have heard me preach before- what you put on your skin MATTERS, like a whole heck of a lot! There are tons...

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Not Everyone Understands and That's OK Jul 15, 2022

I am learning that not everyone understands and that is ok...

I know some of you can relate to what I am about to share and others it may seem foreign but all I ask is that on behalf of everyone with food and chemical sensitivities- is that you please hear me out.  


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Lessons of Grief Jul 07, 2022

I think all of us strive to be a better human each year that passes. I used to seek out conferences and courses that would help me grow professionally and personally. I have invested lots of money in growing myself but I don't think anything could have grown me more than these last few years of...

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